Assumed Business Name 

Illinois (IL) Assumed Business Name

Welcome to Illinois (IL) Assumed Business Name

Assumed Business Names

1. Who Must File:

Anyone doing business  who is not a Corporation and is not using his/her full name in the name of the business.

2. Fee:

$139.99 Clerk Filing Fee

3. Filing Period:

Within fifty-five (55) days from the date originally filed.

You are responsible for the fees charged by the newspaper for the legal ad.

4. Where To File:

If you will have a sole proprietor or general partnership business


Illinois (IL) Assumed Business Name

An assumed business name means any business name that is not the full, true, and correct name of a person.  An assumed business name must be differentiated on the record from an assumed business name that is already registered or from any corporation's name, limited partnership name, limited liability company name, limited liability partnership name, trademark, or service mark registered or reserved with the Secretary of State. 

Individuals who choose to own a business under an assumed business name can file the assumed business name as sole proprietors.  A sole proprietor is a business owned personally by one owner. 

An assumed business name can be used by:

  • a sole proprietor,
  • a corporation,
  • a partnership,
  • a limited partnership,
  • a limited liability company,
  • a limited liability partnership, or,
  • an association.


Sole Proprietorship

This type of business is owned by one person. A sole proprietor has total control of and liability for debts for his or her business, receives all profits, and can make important decisions. The sole proprietor is also responsible for all taxes  of the business.

If you start a sole proprietorship, you must file an Application for Registration of Assumed Business Name. Otherwise, no registration is required. You must obtain any necessary state and local business licenses.  


General Partnership

A partnership is  two or more people acting as co-owners of a business. Individuals may create a partnership by agreement. Under this arrangement, the partners share liability for all claims against the partnership. Profits are taxed as personal income for each individual partner.

A partnership agreement is generally maintained in the company legal papers and by the partnership itself. However, if you choose, you may file a partnership agreement.




  1. You can now file an Assumed Business Name Online! See link below.
  2. Submit an online form on this site
  3. Pay for our service fee
  4. We will Register your name by filing a dba name certificate


  1. Don’t use names that have some generic meaning such as a first name such as Bob.
  2. Don’t use a name that describes the actual product or services such as Mary's Cleaning Maids.
  3. Don’t use the local name of the city or state your business is located because you may expand your business nationwide or even internationally.
  4. Remember: Short and easy is better than long and difficult.

What You Need:

  • The chosen name
  • Your business information such as the business or home address
  • A credit card, check, or money order
  • Access to a computer to submit the information
  • Illinois (IL) Assumed Business Name