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Azarias Place
BestAzarias Place Co. Business permits and Tax ID number Requirements Van Adamsen 8/19/2014 4:02 PM

Home for pregnant teens as non profit in Carrolton, GA.

A: You will need to file a non  profit corporation and get a federal tax id number to be a non profit. After that, you must file for Ga and Federal Tax Exemption. If you use a trade name other than the non profit corp name, you will need to register an assumed business name. 

Azarias Place

Carroll County Carrollton Non Profit Partnership Carrollton, 30117 2 Partnership

Required Registrations for Partnership .

A(n) Partnership Business License

A(n) Partnership DBA (Doing Business As - Business Name Registration) (Alternatively, instead of a DBA, you can file an LLC or Corporation - IMPORTANT: Nonprofits need a nonprofit corporation not a DBA or LLC)

Home for pregnant teens as non profit in Carrolton, GA.

A: You will need to file a non  profit corporation and get a federal tax id number to be a non profit. After that, you must file for Ga and Federal Tax Exemption. If you use a trade name other than the non profit corp name, you will need to register an assumed business name. 
Who Needs an Assumed Name?
Users of an assumed business name. For examle, if your business name is "Georgia's Home Bakery," it is an assumed name and must be registered.
Can I register an assumed name on this site?
Yes, just click on the order button, submit your business info, and select DBA business name.
How much does it cost to file an Assumed business Name?
Our fee is $69 plus applicable fees for your state.
Does your company research availability of a business names?
Yes if it s required but in most cases we do search for availlable assumed names.
When does my assumed business name registrtation expires?
It varies by state. In Georgia it is about 5 years but in California 4.
Do you check for assumed business name availability?
We do where it is required.
How do you send me the filed assumed business name certificate?
We file it, and then email and mail it to you.
Do everyone has to file an assumed business name?
No, if you use your own full name, you don't need to file one.
What type of filing is an assumed business name filing? ; It is a notice to the public concerning the owner's name behind the business name.. ; ;
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Partnerships need at least an assumed business name filing and a federal tax id number. 

 First choose from sole owner, partnership or corporation and get a business license.

If you buy  Business stuff and materials wholesale you also need a seller's permit. It is better to file an LLC in which case you will need a federal tax id as well for .

If you use a trade name other than the LLC name, you will need to register an assumed business name.

You also need to register an assumed business name as a partneship ( requires a federal tax ID as well and a business license ) or as a sole owner if you don't use your full legal personal name. For example, your legal name is "John Clothwalhams," and you do business as John's Widgets," this latter part is an assumed business name and you need to register it with a DBA doing business as an assumed business name.

Note that some states require an assumed business name ($50 to $200 to file yourself) as well as a legal newspaper (about $90 if you publish it yourself but included in our law filing price) publication and notarization ($5-$10) of your dba assumed business name. Our assumed business name registration starts at $119 so you save a lot of money plus we can obtain all other tax ids and licenses as well as form an LLC or incorporate for you so we are an one stop shop for all your legal filing needs.  

If you file your documents on our site, you will save a lot of money plus we can obtain all other tax ids and licenses as well as form an LLC or incorporate for you so we are an one stop shop for all your legal filing needs.

Required Registrations for Partnership .

A(n) Partnership Business License

A(n) Partnership DBA (Doing Business As - Business Name Registration) (Alternatively, instead of a DBA, you can file an LLC or Corporation - IMPORTANT: Nonprofits need a nonprofit corporation not a DBA or LLC)
What is the purpose of an assumed business name? ; It is notice to the public as to the owner that uses the assumed business name What is an assumed business name and how is it used?; It is the registration of your business name. For example, your use "Houston Clothiers," as a business name. The name is an assumed business name and you need to register it. ; ; ; ; .



